Full Office Establishment

Once ready, establishing your own full staffed office is the final step in commercializing the US market.

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Level 3: Full Office Establishment

The final step is for manufacturers to fully staff their office with Regulatory, Importation, and other administrative personnel capable of handling all aspects of US requirements.

Full Office Implementation

Transition and Regulatory Support

In preparation for the full office establishment, Americas Actual can assist in producing the needed procedures and training new staff along with providing ongoing support on an as needed basis.

Sales & Marketing

Direct Sales & Marketing teams give manufacturers the flexibility and presence to really expand and establish a long term presence in the market. Let Americas Actual handle the regulatory and operational aspects of the office while you focus on growing sales in the world’s largest market.

Your Own US Agent

US Agent responsibilities will be transferred to the local office for their management. Once ready, Americas Actual will officially transfer ownership to the manufacturer and provide support in a limited capacity.

Your Own Initial Importer

Manufacturers with their own office can also act as their Initial Importer. As your own Initial Importer, the entity will be subject to FDA inspections and are responsible for reporting adverse events to the FDA. Americas Actual can continue to provide support if


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